Rivermap exposes its data via an Application Programming Interface (API). This document is the official reference for that functionality.
Getting Started
Read the documentation (please :)
Contact us at to get an API key.
To start experimenting with a few examples we recommend a REST client called Postman. Simply tap the button below to import a pre-made collection of examples and the associated environment variables.
See the chapter about Postman on how to install and setup the collection.
Basic concepts
The API is entirely HTTP-based
Methods to retrieve data from the API require a GET request. Methods that submit or change data require a POST. Methods that destroy data require a DELETE. API Methods that require a particular HTTP method will return an error if you do not make your request with the correct one. HTTP Response Codes are meaningful.
The API is a RESTful resource
The API attempts to conform to the design principles of Representational State Transfer (REST). More details on REST can be found here. Libraries to build REST-compatible API clients are readily available for several programming languages. A list of REST frameworks is available at the bottom of the above mentioned page.
The format used for structured data exchange is JSON
The API supports the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. Details on how JSON works can be found here and here. Libraries that convert to and from the JSON format are readily available for popular and less popular programming languages. A full index, sorted by language, can be found at the bottom of this page
SSL/TLS is supported and enforced
The API only works with HTTP-within-SSL/TLS (HTTPS). HTTP requests will be accepted but redirected to the HTTPS endpoint. Issuing HTTPS request from the start is highly recommended to avoid passing both the authentication KEY and potentially confidential data in clear text over the web.
Parameters have certain expectations
Some API methods take optional or requisite parameters. Please keep in mind that all query-string parameter values should be converted to UTF-8 and URL encoded.
Authentication is performed using an API key provided by Rivermap. The API key must be included in the HTTPS request using one of the following two methods:
- via the key query-string parameter
- via the X-Key HTTP header
Where both are provided the query-string parameter takes precedence.
The API key is a string, more specifically it is a UUID in its canonical form (e.g.: “123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000”).
Throttling and rate-limiting schemes are applied on a per-key and per-request-type basis to all requests to prevent overloading the system with too many / too fast requests.
HTTP Response Codes and Errors
HTTP Status Codes
The Rivermap API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.
- 200 OK: Success!
- 400 Bad Request: The request cannot be accepted. The accompanying error message explains why
- 401 Unauthorized: Authentication credentials are missing or incorrect
- 403 Forbidden: Forbidden. Authentication is fine but processing the request requires additional permissions. Contact us if you think your API key should be granted those permissions
- 404 Not Found: The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested does not exists
- 429 Too Many Requests: Rate limit exceeded. Wait before retrying and reduce the rate of requests
- 500 Server Error: Something bad and unexpected happened, typically a bug or an unplanned maintenance update. The Rivermap support team is automatically alerted when this error happens but you may wish to contact them directly to provide additional details to help in the resolution
- 502 Bad Gateway: Rivermap service is temporarily down or being upgraded
- 503 Service Unavailable: The Rivermap servers are up, but overloaded with requests. Try again later
Error Messages
"errorCode": 3000,
"errorMessage": "Too many requests in a short amount of time. Slow down"
When the Rivermap API returns error messages, it does so in JSON format. See example in the right panel (or above if you’re reading this on a small screen).
Error Codes
Error codes, as found in the body of returned error messages, further define the scope of an error. The following error codes may be returned:
- 500: Internal Error: An unexpected internal error happened that prevented the request to be fully completed. The status of the request is undefined
- 1000: Malformed Request: Something is wrong with the request. It could be that the JSON data in the request body is malformed (typically due to a missing or overabundant parenthesis or comma) or a mandatory field is missing or a negative value has been set for a field that expects a positive integer, etc.
- 2000: Object Not Found: A request is trying to update an object that does not exist (e.g.: submitting a User Note referencing a non existing River Section)
- 3000: Slow Down: Too many requests. Wait a bit before retrying and slow down
- 4000: Unauthorized: Unknown API key: The API key does not exists
- 4001: Unauthorized: Malformed API key: The API key is not formatted as a valid UUID
- 4002: Unauthorized: Missing API key: The request does not include an API key
- 5000: Forbidden: The API key used to authenticate this request is lacking required permissions
- 6000: Edit Token Expired: The edit token used to edit or delete a recently-submitted user note expired
Versioning and evolution
Rivermap API is constantly evolving. Existing methods are being improved and extended and new functionalities are being added.
Backward-compatible changes are implemented as extensions to existing versions, while backward-incompatible changes are implemented by introducing entirely new versions.
While we are strongly committed to never introduce breaking changes to existing versions, integration code must be flexible enough to handle backward-compatible updates gracefully.
Here is a list of backward-compatible changes together with how integration code is supposed to deal with them.
Introducing a new REST resource
This is never a problem as existing integration code, not knowing about new endpoints, will not use them.
Adding properties to existing response objects
Existing integration code should ignore unmapped fields.
Note: Some JSON libraries, most notably Jackson, by default will throw an error in case an unmapped field is encountered during parsing. It is important that such libraries are configured to ignore (and possibly report) unmapped fields rather than fail.
Adding optional properties to existing request objects
This is never a problem as existing integration code, not knowing about the new fields, will not populate them.
Adding new values to existing enums in request objects
This is never a problem as existing integration code, not knowing about the new values, will not use them.
Adding new values to existing enums in response objects
This is trickier and we try to limit it only to cases where the change can be handled in a backward-compatible way.
An example would be adding a new value to Poi‘s type
Existing integration code should ignore POIs with an unknown type
(it is still recommended to log these events to keep track of them).
Test with Postman
Postman is a handy API client that facilitates testing and experimenting with RESTful endpoints.
Installing Postman
Before you can use the Rivermap API Postman Collection, you must either download the Postman App for Windows, OS X, or Linux or you can use Postman online:
Install the API Collection
We’ve created a Postman Collection that contains the main Rivermap API RESTful endpoints, including some examples. Click the Run in Postman button below to get started.
Environment Variables
In order to use the above collection you will need to set some environment variables in Postman.
After importing it, select Rivermap API Environment
from the list of environments and populate the following:
: Your assigned API key. If you don’t have one please contact us
No warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the availability, accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information provided by this API. The information is provided on an 'as is’ basis. All warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of proprietary rights are disclaimed.
Station Data
Each Station data, including name and location, is owned by its Source.
Each Source has its own license and terms of service. These are outlined in the Source objects returned by List Stations or List Sources.
Visual Station Readings by Rivermap are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.
Section Data
All Section data is a derived work by Rivermap, incorporating additional data from:
- Riverzone, used under CC BY-SA 4.0
- Jonathan Riddell, used under CC BY-SA 4.0
It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License.
Sources API
List Sources
GET /v2/sources/ HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/json
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"elapsedMs": 46,
"sources": [
"id": "0d69435a-7035-46ac-b6d9-568260925f71",
"name": "Protezione Civile Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Ufficio Idrografico",
"shortName": "Ufficio Idrografico (BZ)",
"licensingTerms": "Data is not validated and is released by the authority under (CC BY 3.0)[]",
"website": "",
"countryCode": "IT"
"id": "bc5faa96-9ee1-4668-b445-44346603eec9",
"name": "Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Dipartimento Protezione Civile - Servizio Prevenzione Rischi, Ufficio Dighe",
"shortName": "Ufficio Dighe (TN)",
"licensingTerms": "Data is not validated and is released by the authority under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0",
"website": "",
"countryCode": "IT"
List all Data Sources (aka: Authorities, aka: the entities providing Station data).
Leaky bucket (size:2, refill: 1 per hour)
Property | Type | Description |
sources | list of Source | Sources/authorities |
elapsedMs | int | Time required to fulfill the request, in milliseconds |
Stations API
List Stations
GET /v2/stations/ HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/json
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"elapsedMs": 576,
"sources": [
"id": "0d69435a-7035-46ac-b6d9-568260925f71",
"name": "Protezione Civile Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Ufficio Idrografico",
"shortName": "Ufficio Idrografico (BZ)",
"licensingTerms": "Data is not validated and is released by the authority under (CC BY 3.0)[]",
"website": "",
"countryCode": "IT"
"id": "bc5faa96-9ee1-4668-b445-44346603eec9",
"name": "Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Dipartimento Protezione Civile - Servizio Prevenzione Rischi, Ufficio Dighe",
"shortName": "Ufficio Dighe (TN)",
"licensingTerms": "Data is not validated and is released by the authority under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0",
"website": "",
"countryCode": "IT"
"rivers": [],
"stations": [
"id": "aeafd2a1-5ee8-4780-98c0-7cbc5acdf29e",
"type": "online",
"revision": 5,
"revisionTs": 1524914164,
"isActive": true,
"sensors": ["level", "flow"],
"name": "S.Giorgio/St.Georgen",
"riverId": null,
"river": {
"it": "Aurino",
"de": "Ahr"
"state": "Alto Adige",
"countryCode": "IT",
"dataSourceId": "0d69435a-7035-46ac-b6d9-568260925f71",
"sourceLinks": {
"it": {
"level": "",
"flow": null
"en": {
"level": "",
"flow": null
"de": {
"level": "",
"flow": null
"parserConfigs": "127",
"latlng": [
"observationFreqMins": 30,
"publishingFreqMins": 30,
"note": {
"it": "Alcune note sull'idrometro...",
"en": "Some relevant notes about the station..."
"synthetic": null
"id": "04d0980c-a251-422a-a2c0-e699c84936fe",
"type": "online",
"revision": 5,
"revisionTs": 1524914164,
"isActive": true,
"sensors": ["level"],
"name": "Malé",
"riverId": null,
"river": {
"it": "Noce"
"state": "Trentino",
"countryCode": "IT",
"dataSourceId": "bc5faa96-9ee1-4668-b445-44346603eec9",
"sourceLinks": {
"it": {
"level": "",
"flow": ""
"parserConfigs": "11732,18711",
"latlng": [
"observationFreqMins": 15,
"publishingFreqMins": 15,
"note": {
"it": "Alcune note sull'idrometro...",
"en": "Some relevant notes about the station..."
"synthetic": null
"license": ""
List all Gauging Stations.
Leaky bucket (size:2, refill: 1 per hour)
Property | Type | Description |
status | enum | Optional. If not specified defaults to active . Can be one of: |
all : include all stations |
active : include only active stations [default] |
inactive : include only non-active stations |
type | enum | Optional. If not specified defaults to all . Can be one of: |
all : include all stations [default] |
online : include only online stations |
manual : include only manual stations |
synthetic : include only synthetic stations |
Property | Type | Description |
stations | list of Station | All requested stations |
rivers | list of River | NOT YET SUPPORTED Rivers referenced by the listed stations |
sources | list of Source | Sources/authorities owning the listed stations |
license | String | Link to license info |
elapsedMs | int | Time required to fulfill the request, in milliseconds |
Get All Readings
GET /v2/stations/readings HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/json
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"elapsedMs": 240,
"readings": {
"aeafd2a1-5ee8-4780-98c0-7cbc5acdf29e": {
"cm": [
{ "ts": 1535700000, "v": 134 },
{ "ts": 1535701800, "v": 134 },
{ "ts": 1535702400, "v": 133 },
{ "ts": 1535707800, "v": 125 },
{ "ts": 1535710200, "v": 124 }
"04d0980c-a251-422a-a2c0-e699c84936fe": {
"m3s": [
{ "ts": 1535699700, "v": 11.88 },
{ "ts": 1535700600, "v": 12.29 },
{ "ts": 1535701500, "v": 11.88 },
{ "ts": 1535702400, "v": 11.88 },
{ "ts": 1535703300, "v": 11.88 }
"cm": [
{ "ts": 1535699700, "v": 50 },
{ "ts": 1535700600, "v": 51 },
{ "ts": 1535701500, "v": 50 },
{ "ts": 1535702400, "v": 50 },
{ "ts": 1535703300, "v": 50 }
"license": ""
Return readings collected by all active Stations in the indicated time range (last 6 hours by default).
Note: only active stations collect readings
Leaky bucket (size:2, refill: 1 per 2 minutes)
Property | Type | Description |
from | DateTime or int | Indicates the start (inclusive) of the time range. Can be either an absolute UTC timestamp (e.g: 201808261810) or a relative-to-now number of minutes (e.g.: 60 to indicate “now - 60 minutes”). Defaults to 360. |
to | DateTime or int | Indicates the end (inclusive) of the time range. Can be either an absolute UTC timestamp (e.g: 201808262359) or a relative-to-from number of minutes (e.g.: 60 to indicate “from + 60 minutes”). Defaults to 360. LIMIT: the maximum duration of any given range is 6 hours |
Property | Type | Description |
readings | map[UUID]ReadingsRange | Maps stationIds to their readings collected in the indicated time range |
license | String | Link to license info |
elapsedMs | int | Time required to fulfill the request, in milliseconds |
Get Station Readings
GET /v2/stations/04d0980c-a251-422a-a2c0-e699c84936fe/readings HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/json
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"elapsedMs": 105,
"readings": {
"m3s": [
{ "ts": 1535699700, "v": 11.88 },
{ "ts": 1535700600, "v": 12.29 },
{ "ts": 1535701500, "v": 11.88 },
{ "ts": 1535702400, "v": 11.88 },
{ "ts": 1535703300, "v": 11.88 }
"cm": [
{ "ts": 1535699700, "v": 50 },
{ "ts": 1535700600, "v": 51 },
{ "ts": 1535701500, "v": 50 },
{ "ts": 1535702400, "v": 50 },
{ "ts": 1535703300, "v": 50 }
"license": ""
Return readings collected by the specified Station in the indicated time range (last 6 hours by default).
Note: only active stations collect readings
Leaky bucket (size:20, refill: 1 per second)
Property | Type | Description |
stationId | UUID | The Station id |
Property | Type | Description |
from | DateTime or int | Indicates the start (inclusive) of the time range. Can be either an absolute UTC timestamp (e.g: 201808261810) or a relative-to-now number of minutes (e.g.: 60 to indicate “now - 60 minutes”). Defaults to 360. |
to | DateTime or int | Indicates the end (inclusive) of the time range. Can be either an absolute UTC timestamp (e.g: 201808262359) or a relative-to-from number of minutes (e.g.: 60 to indicate “from + 60 minutes”). Defaults to 360. LIMIT: the maximum duration of any given range is 6 hours |
Property | Type | Description |
readings | ReadingsRange | readings collected by the given station in the indicated time range |
license | String | Link to license info |
elapsedMs | int | Time required to fulfill the request, in milliseconds |
Submit Reading
POST /v2/stations/ed50818d-2dd4-48f4-8f1c-9875849d1e89/readings HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
"reading": {
"cm": { "ts": 1524027600, "v": -172 }
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"license": "",
"elapsedMs": 15
Submit a reading for a manual gauge.
Leaky bucket (size:5, refill: 1 per minute)
Property | Type | Description |
stationId | UUID | The Station id (must be a manual station) |
Property | Type | Description |
reading | map[StorageUnit]TimestampedValue | Level and/or flow readings Note: readings that would overwrite existing ones are discarded. Requests with timestamps in the future will return an error |
Property | Type | Description |
license | String | Readings data licensing terms (or link to them) |
elapsedMs | int | Time required to fulfill the request, in milliseconds |
River Sections API
List River Sections
GET /v2/stations/ HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/json
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"elapsedMs": 420,
"sections": [
"id": "5b8a3684-bf0e-4476-b302-bb246183928c",
"revision": 17,
"revisionTs": 1535743444,
"createdTs": 1528712750,
"riverOrdinal": 1,
"countryCode": "IT",
"regionId": "881ce4bd-486e-45e2-8035-7becf23ebbb7",
"riverId": null,
"river": {
"it": "Isarco",
"de": "Eisack"
"sectionName": {
"it": {
"formattedName": "[Mezzaselva - Fortezza]",
"qualifier": "",
"name": "",
"from": "Mezzaselva",
"to": "Fortezza",
"isCanonical": true
"formattedName": "[Mittewald - Franzensfeste]",
"qualifier": "",
"name": "",
"from": "Mittewald",
"to": "Franzensfeste",
"isCanonical": true
"category": "whitewater",
"grade": "III-IV",
"spotGrades": ["V"],
"lengthMt": 8000,
"verticalMt": 240,
"durationMins": 180,
"calibration": {
"stationId": "66a85908-2951-469c-b391-8c98b40371de",
"isIndirect": false,
"unit": "m3s",
"lw": 10,
"mw": 25,
"mwMin": 15,
"mwMax": 35,
"hw": 50,
"lastReviewedTs": 1535742132,
"note": {
"it": "Alcune note sulle calibrazioni",
"en": "Some relevant notes about calibrations"
"calibrationsAlt": [
"stationId": "66a85908-2951-469c-b391-8c98b40371de",
"isIndirect": false,
"unit": "cm",
"lw": null,
"mw": null,
"mwMin": null,
"mwMax": null,
"hw": null,
"lastReviewedTs": 1535742132,
"note": {
"en": "Same gauging station as the one used by main calibrations but shows the 'level' sensor. Helpful on the many occasions when the 'flow' sensor stops working"
"putInLatLng": [46807920, 11571862],
"takeOutLatLng": [46789068,11612050],
"riverGuideLinks": {
"it": "[Descrizione su CKFiumi](",
"en": "A description of the lower section is [here](http://yaddayadda/guides/isarco).\nThe CKFiumi guide (in italian) is probably more complete"
"poiIds": [
{ "id": "6402c49c-b8ed-4d99-80b6-20c6bf83fc34", "revision": 0 },
{ "id": "bafbe1d8-9ec7-41bf-ae5c-d9760ef05e9a", "revision": 1 },
{ "id": "ef05c260-6e33-4784-bdd6-992eac84f23e", "revision": 0 },
{ "id": "9cb9d345-90b3-4226-9671-11119c667002", "revision": 1 }
"closures": [
"type": "seasonal",
"reason": {
"it": "Periodo di accoppiamento del Sarchiapone",
"en": "Mating period for endangered local species"
"from": "06-01",
"to": "09-01"
"customFields": {}
"rivers": [],
"regions": [
"id": "881ce4bd-486e-45e2-8035-7becf23ebbb7",
"names": {
"it": "Alto Adige",
"de": "Südtirol"
"pois": [
"id": "6402c49c-b8ed-4d99-80b6-20c6bf83fc34",
"revision": 0,
"revisionTs": 1528711420,
"createdTs": 1528711420,
"type": "putIn",
"latlng": [46807920, 11571862],
"note": {},
"label": "",
"poly": [],
"polyStyle": null
"id": "bafbe1d8-9ec7-41bf-ae5c-d9760ef05e9a",
"revision": 1,
"revisionTs": 1528712750,
"createdTs": 1528711420,
"type": "takeOut",
"latlng": [46789068,11612050],
"note": {}
"id": "ef05c260-6e33-4784-bdd6-992eac84f23e",
"revision": 0,
"revisionTs": 1528712820,
"createdTs": 1528712820,
"type": "weir",
"latlng": [46797717,11599884],
"note": {
"en": "Danger! scout before running, avoid in high water conditions"
"id": "9cb9d345-90b3-4226-9671-11119c667002",
"revision": 1,
"revisionTs": 1528715820,
"createdTs": 1528713820,
"type": "dangerTemp",
"latlng": [46788527,11612400],
"note": {
"en": "Tree obstructs 3/4 of the river. Pass all the way to river left"
"userNotes": [
"status": "ok",
"id": "6792bf56-fcb5-43e7-81d0-46ed5f679a3b",
"riverSectionId": "5b8a3684-bf0e-4476-b302-bb246183928c",
"createdTs": 1528726000,
"revisionTs": 1528726000,
"category": "logistics",
"note": {
"en": "The current put in coordinates are not quite right. Actual put in is about 20 meters upstream at 46.808670, 11.570629"
"translations": {},
"customFields": {},
"refPoiUuid": "6402c49c-b8ed-4d99-80b6-20c6bf83fc34",
"refNoteUuid": null
"status": "merged",
"id": "c9b42481-a252-4a10-abbe-22950046e655",
"riverSectionId": "5b8a3684-bf0e-4476-b302-bb246183928c",
"createdTs": 1528714266,
"revisionTs": 1528715820,
"category": "dangerTemporary",
"note": {
"en": "The tree moved and now obstructs 3/4 of the river. It's possible to pass all the way to river left"
"translations": {},
"customFields": {
"rivermap": {
"legacyId": 623
"refPoiUuid": "9cb9d345-90b3-4226-9671-11119c667002",
"refNoteUuid": "02664c1f-717d-4fbb-8ca3-74c15967cd46"
"status": "outdated",
"id": "02664c1f-717d-4fbb-8ca3-74c15967cd46",
"riverSectionId": "5b8a3684-bf0e-4476-b302-bb246183928c",
"createdTs": 1528712266,
"revisionTs": 1528712266,
"category": "dangerTemporary",
"note": {
"en": "Dangerous river-wide tree just upstream of the final rapid"
"customFields": {
"rivermap": {
"legacyId": 612
"translations": {},
"refPoiUuid": null,
"refNoteUuid": null
"license": ""
List all River Sections.
Leaky bucket (size:2, refill: 1 per minute)
Property | Type | Description |
sections | list of RiverSection | All River Sections |
rivers | list of River | NOT YET SUPPORTED Rivers referenced by the listed River Sections |
regions | list of Region | NOT YET SUPPORTED Regions referenced by the listed River Sections |
pois | list of POI | POIs referenced by the listed River Sections |
userNotes | list of UserNote | NOT YET SUPPORTED UserNotes associated to the listed River Sections |
license | String | Link to license info |
elapsedMs | int | Time required to fulfill the request, in milliseconds |
User Notes API
List Recent User Notes
GET /v2/notes HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/json
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"elapsedMs": 120,
"notes": [
"status": "ok",
"id": "6792bf56-fcb5-43e7-81d0-46ed5f679a3b",
"riverSectionId": "37765303-50ec-4b43-add6-6f8db6bafafa",
"createdTs": 1528726000,
"revisionTs": 1528726000,
"category": "dangerCleared",
"note": {
"en": "Tree is not there anymore"
"translations": {},
"customFields": {},
"refPoiUuid": null,
"refNoteUuid": "6d13cb32-7238-4c2c-8602-13304addec08"
"status": "outdated",
"id": "6d13cb32-7238-4c2c-8602-13304addec08",
"riverSectionId": "37765303-50ec-4b43-add6-6f8db6bafafa",
"createdTs": 1528711420,
"revisionTs": 1528725333,
"category": "dangerTemporary",
"note": {
"en": "River-wide tree at coordinates 46.124321,7.128343. Portage on river RIGHT.\nFoto: .\nSee also [this Facebook post]("
"translations": {
"it": "Albero a tutto fiume alle coordinate 46.124321,7.128343. Trasbordo da riva DESTRA.\nFoto: .\nVedi anche [questo post su Facebook]("
"customFields": {},
"refPoiUuid": null,
"refNoteUuid": null
"license": ""
List recent user-submitted notes for all River Sections
Leaky bucket (size:2, refill: 1 per minute)
Property | Type | Description |
from | DateTime or int | Optional. Can be either an absolute timestamp (e.g: 201808261810) or a relative time expressed in minutes (e.g.: 60). If not specified defaults to 1440 (i.e.: all notes submitted in the last 24 hours) |
Property | Type | Description |
notes | list of UserNote | All User Notes matching the search criteria |
license | String | Link to license info |
elapsedMs | int | Time required to fulfill the request, in milliseconds |
List Section User Notes
GET /v2/section/1612ffdd-c505-4d0e-9aa7-0bf7cdc1efe6/notes HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/json
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"elapsedMs": 120,
"notes": [
"status": "ok",
"id": "6792bf56-fcb5-43e7-81d0-46ed5f679a3b",
"riverSectionId": "37765303-50ec-4b43-add6-6f8db6bafafa",
"createdTs": 1528726000,
"revisionTs": 1528726000,
"category": "dangerCleared",
"note": {
"en": "Tree is not there anymore"
"translations": {},
"customFields": {},
"refPoiUuid": null,
"refNoteUuid": "6d13cb32-7238-4c2c-8602-13304addec08"
"status": "outdated",
"id": "6d13cb32-7238-4c2c-8602-13304addec08",
"riverSectionId": "37765303-50ec-4b43-add6-6f8db6bafafa",
"createdTs": 1528711420,
"revisionTs": 1528725333,
"category": "dangerTemporary",
"note": {
"en": "River-wide tree at coordinates 46.124321,7.128343. Portage on river RIGHT.\nFoto: .\nSee also [this Facebook post]("
"translations": {
"it": "Albero a tutto fiume alle coordinate 46.124321,7.128343. Trasbordo da riva DESTRA.\nFoto: .\nVedi anche [questo post su Facebook]("
"customFields": {},
"refPoiUuid": null,
"refNoteUuid": null
"license": ""
List all user-submitted notes for the given River Section
Leaky bucket (size:5, refill: 1 per second)
Property | Type | Description |
sectionId | UUID | Identifies the River Section |
Property | Type | Description |
from | DateTime or int | Optional. Can be either an absolute timestamp (e.g: 201808261810) or a relative time expressed in minutes (e.g.: 60). If not specified defaults to “the beginning of time” (e.g.: all section notes are returned) |
Property | Type | Description |
notes | list of UserNote | All User Notes matching the search criteria |
license | String | Link to license info |
elapsedMs | int | Time required to fulfill the request, in milliseconds |
Submit User Note
POST /v2/notes HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
"riverSectionId": "37765303-50ec-4b43-add6-6f8db6bafafa",
"category": "dangerTemporary",
"note": {
"en": "River-wide tree at coordinates 46.124321,7.128343. Portage on river left.\nFoto: .\nSee also [this Facebook post]("
"refPoiUuid": null,
"refNoteUuid": null
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"elapsedMs": 75,
"note": {
"status": "ok",
"id": "6d13cb32-7238-4c2c-8602-13304addec08",
"riverSectionId": "37765303-50ec-4b43-add6-6f8db6bafafa",
"createdTs": 1528711420,
"revisionTs": 1528711420,
"category": "dangerTemporary",
"note": {
"en": "River-wide tree at coordinates 46.124321,7.128343. Portage on river left.\nFoto: .\nSee also [this Facebook post]("
"translations": {},
"customFields": {},
"refPoiUuid": null,
"refNoteUuid": null
"editToken": "c03891e8-b3fc-4d15-96fb-999eb2af75f3",
"license": ""
Submit a user-note for the given River Section.
Leaky bucket (size:5, refill: 1 per minute)
Property | Type | Description |
note | SubmitUserNoteRequest object | Note data |
Property | Type | Description |
note | UserNote | The inserted User Note |
editToken | String | A time-limited token that can be used to edit the note (to let the user that submitted the note find and correct inaccuracies). See Update a User Note |
license | String | Link to license info |
elapsedMs | int | Time required to fulfill the request, in milliseconds |
Update a User Note
PATCH /v2/notes/c03891e8-b3fc-4d15-96fb-999eb2af75f3 HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
"note": {
"en": "River-wide tree at coordinates 46.124321,7.128343. Portage on river RIGHT.\nFoto: .\nSee also [this Facebook post]("
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"elapsedMs": 75,
"note": {
"status": "ok",
"id": "6d13cb32-7238-4c2c-8602-13304addec08",
"riverSectionId": "37765303-50ec-4b43-add6-6f8db6bafafa",
"createdTs": 1528711420,
"revisionTs": 1528717888,
"category": "dangerTemporary",
"note": {
"en": "River-wide tree at coordinates 46.124321,7.128343. Portage on river RIGHT.\nFoto: .\nSee also [this Facebook post]("
"translations": {},
"customFields": {},
"refPoiUuid": null,
"refNoteUuid": null
"editToken": "c03891e8-b3fc-4d15-96fb-999eb2af75f3",
"license": ""
Update a recently-submitted user-note. This is meant to let a user correct her own note in case she spots an error right after having submitted it. Notes remain editable for up to 10 minutes after being submitted. After that time notes cannot be updated anymore, with the exception of translations: those can be added/updated at any time.
Leaky bucket (size:5, refill: 1 per minute)
Property | Type | Description |
editToken | UUID | The edit token returned by Submit User Note |
Property | Type | Description |
note | UpdateUserNoteRequest object | Note data |
Property | Type | Description |
note | UserNote | The updated User Note |
editToken | String | A time-limited token that can be used to (further) edit the note |
license | String | Link to license info |
elapsedMs | int | Time required to fulfill the request, in milliseconds |
Delete a User Note
DELETE /v2/notes/c03891e8-b3fc-4d15-96fb-999eb2af75f3 HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/json
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"elapsedMs": 75,
"note": {
"status": "ok",
"id": "6d13cb32-7238-4c2c-8602-13304addec08",
"riverSectionId": "37765303-50ec-4b43-add6-6f8db6bafafa",
"createdTs": 1528711420,
"revisionTs": 1528717888,
"category": "dangerTemporary",
"note": {
"en": "River-wide tree at coordinates 46.124321,7.128343. Portage on river RIGHT.\nFoto: .\nSee also [this Facebook post]("
"translations": {},
"refPoiUuid": null,
"refNoteUuid": null
"license": ""
Delete a recently-submitted user-note. This is meant to let a user delete her own note in case she realizes it submitted it by mistake. Notes can be deleted for up to 10 minutes after being submitted. After that time notes cannot be deleted anymore.
Leaky bucket (size:5, refill: 1 per minute)
Property | Type | Description |
editToken | UUID | The edit token returned by Submit User Note |
Property | Type | Description |
note | UserNote | The deleted User Note |
license | String | Link to license info |
elapsedMs | int | Time required to fulfill the request, in milliseconds |
Submit User Note Translation
POST /v2/notes/6d13cb32-7238-4c2c-8602-13304addec08/translations HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
"it": "Albero a tutto fiume alle coordinate 46.124321,7.128343. Trasbordo da riva DESTRA.\nFoto: .\nVedi anche [questo post su Facebook]("
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"elapsedMs": 75,
"note": {
"status": "ok",
"id": "6d13cb32-7238-4c2c-8602-13304addec08",
"riverSectionId": "37765303-50ec-4b43-add6-6f8db6bafafa",
"createdTs": 1528711420,
"revisionTs": 1528725333,
"category": "dangerTemporary",
"note": {
"en": "River-wide tree at coordinates 46.124321,7.128343. Portage on river RIGHT.\nFoto: .\nSee also [this Facebook post]("
"translations": {
"it": "Albero a tutto fiume alle coordinate 46.124321,7.128343. Trasbordo da riva DESTRA.\nFoto: .\nVedi anche [questo post su Facebook]("
"customFields": {},
"refPoiUuid": null,
"refNoteUuid": null
"editToken": "c03891e8-b3fc-4d15-96fb-999eb2af75f3",
"license": ""
Submit a translation for a given user-note.
Note: Translations for languages that are already available in the original note are discarded. E.g.: if the original note was submitted in English and Italian, it’s not possible to provide English or Italian translations as those would overwrite the original text.
Leaky bucket (size:5, refill: 1 per minute)
Property | Type | Description |
noteId | UUID | The note id |
Property | Type | Description |
translations | map[LanguageCode]String | Translations |
Property | Type | Description |
note | UserNote | The updated User Note |
license | String | Link to license info |
elapsedMs | int | Time required to fulfill the request, in milliseconds |
Object Definitions
Station objects
Station Object properties
"id": "04d0980c-a251-422a-a2c0-e699c84936fe",
"type": "online",
"revision": 5,
"revisionTs": 1524914164,
"isActive": true,
"sensors": ["level", "flow"],
"name": "Malé",
"riverId": null,
"river": {
"it": "Noce"
"state": "Trentino",
"countryCode": "IT",
"dataSourceId": "bc5faa96-9ee1-4668-b445-44346603eec9",
"sourceLinks": {
"it": {
"level": "",
"flow": ""
"parserConfigs": "11732,18711",
"latlng": [
"observationFreqMins": 15,
"publishingFreqMins": 15,
"note": {
"it": "Alcune note sull'idrometro...",
"en": "Some relevant notes about the station..."
"synthetic": null
"id": "1b0af9ed-25e1-4d6e-bf88-ef529fb801f8",
"type": "manual",
"revision": 5,
"revisionTs": 1524914164,
"isActive": true,
"sensors": ["level"],
"name": "Silisia Imbarco",
"riverId": null,
"river": {
"it": "Silisia"
"state": "Friuli-Venezia Giulia",
"countryCode": "IT",
"dataSourceId": null,
"sourceLinks": {},
"parserConfigs": "",
"latlng": [
"observationFreqMins": -1,
"publishingFreqMins": -1,
"note": {
"it": "Per stazioni manuali è importante che queste note spieghino in dettaglio dove è posizionata e come arrivare all'asta fisica dell'idrometro",
"en": "For manual stations it is paramount that these notes explain in good detail where the physical reference is located and how to get to it"
"synthetic": null
"id": "5a2bb96e-779d-4ab7-a489-5ba3cab391ec",
"type": "synthetic",
"revision": 5,
"revisionTs": 1524914164,
"isActive": true,
"sensors": ["flow"],
"name": "Bidente di Pietrapazza",
"riverId": null,
"river": {
"it": "Adige",
"de": "Etch"
"state": "Emilia-Romagna",
"countryCode": "IT",
"dataSourceId": null,
"sourceLinks": {},
"parserConfigs": "",
"latlng": [
"observationFreqMins": 30,
"publishingFreqMins": 30,
"note": {
"it": "Alcune note sull'idrometro virtuale, tipo cos'è che viene calcolato e perchè...",
"en": "Some relevant notes about the synthetic station, like what exactly is computed and why..."
"synthetic": {
"aliases": {
"a6f3a6eb-2f8d-4200-8dc6-fcd56a5b3cf6": "Rilascio_Diga_Ridracoli",
"83164fcb-1ed4-472e-b2b5-ea183aaf2673": "S_Sofia"
"values": {
"m3s": "S_Sofia - Rilascio_Diga_Ridracoli"
"toleranceSecs": 5400
This object models 3 types of stations/gauges:
- online level/flow gauges
- synthetic gauges (readings are computed by applying a formula to readings from other gauges)
- manual/crowdsourced gauges (readings are provided by users based on direct observation of a physical measuring stick)
Other visual references (rocks, banks, etc) are modeled as POIs with type=altGauge
Property | Type | Description |
id | UUID | Globally unique Gauging Station id |
type | enum | One of:
revision | int | Incremented every time details for this station are edited/updated |
revisionTs | int | Updated every time revision is incremented. Unix epoch. Seconds since Jan 01 1970 (UTC) |
isActive | boolean | true if Rivermap is collecting readings from this station, false otherwise (station is “dormant”) |
sensors | list of enum | List of sensors supported by the station. Supported enum values are level and flow |
name | String | Gauging station name (as named by the owning source/authority) |
riverId | UUID | NOT YET SUPPORTED Id if the River monitored by this station |
river | map[LanguageCode]String | River being monitored by this station |
countryCode | String | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Country Code |
state | String | State, region or administrative area, where applicable (depends on country) |
latlng | LatLng | Gauging station location. Null if location is unknown |
dataSourceId | UUID | Id of the entity/authority publishing station data |
sourceLinks | map[LanguageCode]SourceLink | Direct links to the station as published online by the owning authority, where available, or a generic link to the water authority’s page if direct per-station links are not available, or empty if nothing at all is available (e.g.: manual/crowdsourced and synthetic stations) Links to pages with graphs are preferred over pages with tables or with just the current value. |
parserConfigs | String | A comma-delimited list of settings used by the parser to extract readings for this station. WARNING: The format and the nature of data contained in this field is different for each source , may be subject to change without notice and is reported here for completeness’ sake only (and because it might help in crafting sourceLink variants) |
observationFreqMins | int | How often the station acquires new samples. Set to -1 if there is no fixed observation frequency because: - this station is listed-but-not-active (samples are not being actively read and stored) - this is a manual/crowdsourced gauge - the samples are acquired erratically |
publishingFreqMins | int | How often new samples are (usually) published by this station, -1 if there is no fixed publication frequency. Usually the same as observationFreqMins but not necessarily (e.g.: some stations acquire samples every 15 mins but only publish them in bulk every X hours) |
note | map[LanguageCode]String | Notes about this gauging station, curated by experts/editors. Examples: - influenced by erratic dam release, can be unreliable - often gets stuck in winter in freezing conditions |
synthetic | SyntheticGauge | Only populated for synthetic-type stations, null otherwise |
SourceLink object properties
"level": "",
"flow": ""
Property | Type | Description |
level | URL | Direct link to level graph as provided by the Source, null if direct link is not provided |
flow | URL | Direct link to flow graph as provided by the Source, null if direct link is not provided |
ReadingsRange object properties
"cm": [
{ "ts": 1524043800, "v": -158.0 },
{ "ts": 1524045600, "v": -155.0 },
{ "ts": 1524047400, "v": -156.0 }
"m3s": [
{ "ts": 1524043800, "v": 99.5 },
{ "ts": 1524045600, "v": 97.4 },
{ "ts": 1524047400, "v": 97.9 }
Property | Type | Description |
cm | list of TimestampedValue | Level readings, in centimeters, sorted by timestamp (ascending) |
m3s | list of TimestampedValue | Flow readings, in cubic meters per second, sorted by timestamp (ascending) |
SyntheticGauge object properties
"aliases": {
"a6f3a6eb-2f8d-4200-8dc6-fcd56a5b3cf6": "Geissmattbrücke",
"83164fcb-1ed4-472e-b2b5-ea183aaf2673": "Kl_Emme_Emmen"
"values": {
"m3s": "Geissmattbrücke.m3s + Kl_Emme_Emmen.m3s"
"toleranceSecs": 5400
Property | Type | Description |
aliases | map[UUID]String | Maps stationId to an alias used in formulas |
values | map[StorageUnit]Formula | Maps output unit to the formula computing it. |
toleranceSecs | The maximum range, in seconds, between oldest and youngest component (i.e.: reading from a station) of the formula for it to yield a measurement |
Source Object properties
"id": "06ab69d2-c518-4fe4-89e3-a9edc24bd5b7",
"name": "ARPA Veneto",
"shortName": "ARPAV",
"licensingTerms": "Data is not validated and is released by the authority under (CC BY 3.0)[]",
"website": "",
"countryCode": "IT"
Property | Type | Description |
id | UUID | Globally unique Source/Authority Id |
name | String | Source name (full) |
shortName | String | Source name (short) |
licensingTerms | String | Licensing terms / ToS (Markdown format) |
website | String | Link to website |
countryCode | String | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Country Code of this source. “XX” in case of transnational sources. |
Formula Object properties
// Simple formula example
"Geissmattbrücke.m3s + Kl_Emme_Emmen.m3s"
// Complex formula example
"(0.95 * Schönenbach.m3s + 0.102 * Tiefenbach.m3s + 0.25 * Oberstaufen.m3s + 1.06 * Reuthe.m3s + 0.99 * Kälberweide.m3s) - MAX( 0, (Hittisau.m3s - (2.75 * Kälberweide.m3s + 0.67 * Schönenbach.m3s + 0.345 * Oberstaufen.m3s)) )"
A formula where components are expressed as “station-id-alias” dot StorageUnit. Currently supports parentesis, basic math operators (+,-,*,/) and a limited set of functions:
- MAX( a, b, … )
- MIN( a, b, … )
RiverSection objects
RiverSection Object properties
"id": "37765303-50ec-4b43-add6-6f8db6bafafa",
"revision": 11,
"revisionTs": 1528712750,
"createdTs": 1528712750,
"riverOrdinal": 0,
"countryCode": "IT",
"riverId": null,
"river": {
"en": "name-of-the-river",
"it": "nome-del-fiume"
"regionId": "10b22e7c-0fbd-42ea-a5d9-4426d40163b4",
"sectionName": {
"en": {
"formattedName": "Upper 1: White teeth of death [below weir at A - reservoir at B]",
"qualifier": "Upper 1"
"name": "White teeth of death",
"from": "below weir at A",
"to": "reservoir at B",
"isCanonical": true
"formattedName": "Oberer 1 [unterhalb Wehr bei A - Stausee bei B]",
"qualifier": "Oberer 1",
"name": "",
"from": "unterhalb Wehr bei A",
"to": "Stausee bei B",
"isCanonical": false
"category": "whitewater",
"grade": "IV-V",
"spotGrades": ["VI", "X", "X"],
"lengthMt": 8000,
"verticalMt": 240,
"durationMins": 180,
"calibration": {
"stationId": "bb92231a-886a-4ef9-8974-9ae265ed6686",
"isIndirect": false,
"unit": "m",
"lw": 0.25,
"mw": null,
"mwMin": null,
"mwMax": null,
"hw": 0.9,
"lastReviewedTs": 1525564800,
"note": {
"it": "Alcune note sulle calibrazioni",
"en": "Some relevant notes about calibrations"
"calibrationsAlt": [],
"putInLatLng": [
"takeOutLatLng": [
"riverGuideLinks": {
"it": "[Descrizione su CKFiumi](",
"en": "A description of the lower section is [here](http://yaddayadda/guides/rabbies).\nThe ckfiumi guide (in italian) is probably more complete"
"poiIds": [
"closures": [
"type": "permanent",
"reason": {
"en": "banned by authority"
"type": "temporary",
"reason": {
"en": "body recovery"
"from": "2018-07-12",
"to": null
"type": "seasonal",
"reason": {
"en": "mating period for endangered local species"
"from": "06-01",
"to": "09-01"
"type": "daily",
"reason": {
"en": "mutual agreement with local fishermen"
"from": "18:00",
"to": "09:00"
"customFields": {
"riverzone": {
"legacyId": 4,
"categoryTags": ["rockgarden", "steep", "alpine"]
"rivermap": {
"legacyId": 274,
"wwStars": 4
Property | Type | Description |
id | UUID | Globally unique River Section Id |
revision | int | Incremented every time details for this section are edited/updated (user notes excluded) |
revisionTs | int | Updated every time revision is incremented. Unix epoch. Seconds since Jan 01 1970 (UTC) |
createdTs | int | When this Section was first added. Unix epoch. Seconds since Jan 01 1970 (UTC) |
riverOrdinal | int | Used for ordering same-riverId river sections from upper to lower. Defaults to 0 |
countryCode | String | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Country Code of the canonical put-in |
riverId | UUID | NOT YET SUPPORTED River identifier |
river | map[LanguageCode]String | River name |
regionId | UUID | Region identifier. A region needs not be administrative or political and is meant to represent a meaningful grouping of rivers. Mountain areas (Vosges, Alpi Marittime) or catchments (Haute Garonne, Valsesia) can sometimes be useful region names |
sectionName | map[LanguageCode]SectionName | Internationalized river section name |
category | enum | One of whitewater , play , slalom , flatwater or drop |
grade | Grade | Difficulty rating for this section |
spotGrades | list of Grade | Spot grades for this section. Multiple occurrences of the same spot grade are supported as in [“X”, “X”] to indicate that there are two unrunnable spots |
lengthMt | int | Length of section in meters. Set to -1 if unknown |
verticalMt | int | Vertical height of the section from put-in to take-out in meters. Set to -1 if unknown |
durationMins | int | How much time it usually takes to run the section under medium-water conditions and not already knowing it, in minutes. Set to -1 if unknown |
calibration | Calibration | Primary section calibration |
calibrationsAlt | list of Calibration | Alternative, secondary and/or experimental section calibrations |
putInLatLng | LatLng | Location of the classic/default/accepted put-in location (where most people put-in). Null if put-in location is missing |
takeOutLatLng | LatLng | Location of the classic/default/accepted take-out location (where most people take-out). Null if take-out location is missing (can happen when category is play , slalom or drop ) |
riverGuideLinks | map[LanguageCode]String | Links to guidebooks. Text in (Markdown format) |
poiIds | list of UUID | References to Point of Interests about this section (examples are: alternate put-ins/take-outs, parking locations, dangers, restaurants, etc) |
closures | list of Closure | The section is closed if any condition matches |
customFields | map[String]map[String]object | Custom per-affiliated-project fields |
SectionName Object properties
"formattedName": "Upper 1: White teeth of death [below weir at A - reservoir at B]",
"qualifier": "Upper 1",
"name": "White teeth of death",
"from": "below weir at A",
"to": "reservoir at B",
"isCanonical": true
Property | Type | Description |
formattedName | String | Full section name. Formatted, based on what name components are available, as one of:
qualifier | String | Optional: a common, easily translatable ordinal qualifier like: lower, middle, higher, upper, upper-upper |
name | String | Optional: a well known name for the section. E.g.: Alpine Sprint |
from | String | Optional (unless to is provided): put-in place name (or place description) like: Bozzo, Lake, Reservoir, Sawmill, Wooden bridge |
to | String | Optional (unless from is provided): take-out place name (or place description) |
isCanonical | bool | True if this is a well known name that locals will recognise, false if it’s the result of a translation |
Grade Object properties
"I", "I+", "I-II", "II-",
"II", "II+", "II-III", "III-",
"III", "III+", "III-IV", "IV-",
"IV", "IV+", "IV-V", "V-",
"V", "V+", "V-VI", "VI-",
"X" // unrunnable
WW ICF grades plus half-grades
Calibration Object properties
"stationId": "bb92231a-886a-4ef9-8974-9ae265ed6686",
"isIndirect": false,
"unit": "m",
"lw": 0.25,
"mw": null,
"mwMin": null,
"mwMax": null,
"hw": 0.9,
"lastReviewedTs": 1525564800,
"note": {
"it": "Alcune note sulle calibrazioni",
"en": "Some relevant notes about calibrations"
Property | Type | Description |
stationId | UUID | Id of the referenced Gauging Station |
isIndirect | bool | True if the Gauging Station is very far upstream or downstream, or on a different but related river (e.g.: a tributary) |
unit | CalibrationUnit | The unit calibration data is expressed in |
lw | float | Optional: Low water value. Below this level you can walk down the river |
mw | float | Optional: Medium water value. Section grade , spotGrades and durationMin always refer to these water conditions |
hw | float | Optional: High water value. Very subjective and often unreliable. The general idea is that above this level you should not put in |
mwMin | float | Optional and experimental: the lower range of medium water. While in this range grade , spotGrades and durationMin are consistent and the run remains enjoyable.A paddler that never run this section would want to run it in this range |
mwMax | float | Optional and experimental: the upper range of medium water. See mwMin . Above this level difficulties increase and the reported grade does not apply anymore |
lastReviewedTs | int | The last time these calibrations were reviewed |
note | map[LanguageCode]String | Calibration notes curated by the editor |
Closure Object properties
// permanent closure
"type": "permanent",
"reason": {
"en": "banned by authority"
// temporary closure with no known end date
"type": "temporary",
"reason": {
"en": "body recovery"
"from": "2018-07-12",
"to": null
// seasonal closure
"type": "seasonal",
"reason": {
"en": "mating period for endangered local species"
"from": "06-01",
"to": "09-01"
// daily closure
"type": "daily",
"reason": {
"en": "mutual agreement with local fishermen"
"from": "18:00",
"to": "09:00"
Property | Type | Description |
type | enum | One of permanent , temporary , seasonal , daily |
reason | map[LanguageCode]String | Reason details, curated by the editor |
from | String | Closure start date/time. null for permanent closures, DateString for temporary and seasonal , TimeString for daily |
to | String | Closure end date/time. Formatted same as from . Can be null for temporary closures if the end of the closure period is unknown. |
Poi Object properties
"id": "819646e1-9495-42b3-9e44-6e915542b3f1",
"revision": 1,
"revisionTs": 1528712750,
"createdTs": 1528711420,
"type": "putInAlt",
"latlng": [46741463, 11205582],
"note": {
"en": "Put-in here to run the IV-grade rapid right before the classic put-in"
"label": "",
"poly": [
[46720887, 11193480],
[46720159, 11192868],
[46719409, 11192772],
[46718210, 11192804],
[46717298, 11192911]
"polyStyle": "path"
Property | Type | Description |
id | UUID | Globally unique Poi id |
revision | int | Incremented every time details for this Poi are edited/updated |
revisionTs | int | Updated every time revision is incremented OR when details for this Poi are re-validated. Unix epoch. Seconds since Jan 01 1970 (UTC) |
createdTs | int | When this Poi was first added. Unix epoch. Seconds since Jan 01 1970 (UTC) |
type | enum | One of:putIn : classic put-in, may include path to get thereputInAlt : alternative put-in, may include path to get theretakeOut : classic take-out, may include path to get out of theretakeOutAlt : alterantive take-out, may include path to get out of theretakeOutEmergency : alternative, often impractical take-out to be used in case of an emergency, may include path to get out of theregauge : location of the reference water gaugegaugeAlt : location of an alternative water gaugeparking : parking locationwebcam : link to a webcampicture : picture of some featurefood : recommended place to eatinfo : generic location-based infoweir : weir or other dangerous but otherwise runnable man-made featuredanger : dangerous spot (permanent), scouting recommendeddangerTemp : temporary danger (tree, log, wire, etc)death : deadly-dangerous, non-runnable spot (deadly weir, huge drop, unavoidable terminal hole, etc)portage : portage location, may include pathintake : location of an intake relevant to gauge current flowoutfall : location of an outfall relevant to gauge current flow |
latlng | LatLng | Poi location |
note | map[LanguageCode]String | Optional notes about this Poi, curated by the editor. Empty map if no notes |
label | String | Optional. Used to label the map-icon and make it easier to differentiate this Poi from identical-type ones (e.g.: intakes / outfalls) |
poly | list of LatLng | Optional. Polyline for this Poi (if relevant, like when type is “portage”,“put-in”,take-out"). Empty list if missing/not-relevant |
polyStyle | enum | Optional. One of portage ,path ,road . Null if missing/not-relevant |
User Note objects
UserNote Object properties
"id": "6d13cb32-7238-4c2c-8602-13304addec08",
"riverSectionId": "37765303-50ec-4b43-add6-6f8db6bafafa",
"createdTs": 1528711420,
"revisionTs": 1528712750,
"category": "dangerTemporary",
"customFields": {
"rivermap": {
"legacyId": 1734
"status": "ok",
"note": {
"it": "bla bla bla [link](",
"en": "blah blah blah. More info (in italian) at [link]("
"translations": {
"de": "blah blah blah in german"
"refPoiId": null,
"refNoteId": null
Property | Type | Description |
id | UUID | Globally unique UserNote id |
riverSectionId | UUID | Id of the RiverSection this notes refers to |
createdTs | int | When this Note was first added. Unix epoch. Seconds since Jan 01 1970 (UTC) |
revisionTs | int | Updated every time this note is updated. Unix epoch. Seconds since Jan 01 1970 (UTC) |
category | enum | One of:
customFields | map[String]map[String]object | Optional. Custom per-affiliated-project fields |
status | enum | One of:
note | map[LanguageCode]String | Note text as entered by the user (markdown format) |
translations | map[LanguageCode]String | Community-provided translations of the note text |
refPoiId | UUID | Optional: Id of a Poi referenced by this note. E.g.: a note providing further details about a parking-type Poi |
refNoteId | UUID | Optional: Id of another UserNote referenced by this note. E.g.: a dangerCleared note providing updated info about a previous temporaryDanger note. UIs are encouraged to display the note followed by the indented text of the referenced note (as in an email thread) |
SubmitUserNoteRequest Object properties
"riverSectionId": "37765303-50ec-4b43-add6-6f8db6bafafa",
"category": "dangerTemporary",
"customFields": {
"rivermap": {
"legacyId": 623
"note": {
"it": "bla bla bla [link](",
"en": "blah blah blah. More info (in italian) at [link]("
"refPoiId": null,
"refNoteId": null
Property | Type | Description |
riverSectionId | UUID | Id of the RiverSection this notes refers to |
category | enum | See UserNote |
customFields | map[String]map[String]object | Optional. Custom per-affiliated-project fields |
note | map[LanguageCode]String | Note text entered by the user (markdown format) |
refPoiId | UUID | Optional. Id of a Poi referenced by this note. E.g.: a note providing further details about a parking-type Poi |
refNoteId | UUID | Optional. Id of another UserNote referenced by this note. E.g.: a dangerCleared note providing updated info about a previous temporaryDanger note. UIs are encouraged to display the note followed by the indented text of the referenced note (as in an email thread) |
UpdateUserNoteRequest Object properties
"category": "dangerPermanent",
"note": {
"it": "testo corretto",
"en": "corrected text"
"refPoiId": null,
"refNoteId": null
Property | Type | Description |
category | enum | Optional. If specified overwrites the current value |
note | map[LanguageCode]String | Optional. If specified fully overwrites the current value (the whole map). Note: if the update adds text in a new language, it will replace any pre-existing contributed translation for that language |
refPoiId | UUID | Optional. If specified overwrites the current value |
refNoteId | UUID | Optional. If specified overwrites the current value |
Miscellaneous objects
River Object properties
"id": "21e279ab-3eee-4312-8394-5a90e09859e3",
"names": {
"it": "Passirio",
"de": "Passer"
Property | Type | Description |
id | UUID | Globally unique River Id |
names | map[LanguageCode]String | Internationalized river name |
Region Object properties
"id": "10b22e7c-0fbd-42ea-a5d9-4426d40163b4",
"names": {
"it": "Trentino"
Property | Type | Description |
id | UUID | Globally unique Region Id |
names | map[LanguageCode]String | Internationalized region name |
LatLng Object properties
// Coords for the Arena in Verona, Italy
[45439000, 10994428]
// Coords for St. Paul's Cathedral, London, UK
[51513753, -98655]
[lat, lng]
where lat
and lng
are computed as WGS-84 decimal coords * 1_000_000, rounded down to the nearest integer value.
Example #1:
- Map location: Arena, Verona, Italy
- WGS-84 decimal coordinates: latitude: 45.439, longitude: 10.994428
- LatLng object: [45.439*1000000, 10.994428*1000000] => [45439000, 10994428]
Example #2:
- Map location: St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, UK
- WGS-84 decimal coordinates: latitude: 51.513753726152, longitude: -0.098655
- LatLng object: [51.513753726152*1000000, -0.098655*1000000] => [51513753, -98655]
LanguageCode Object properties
"en" // english
"it" // italian
"fr" // french
"de" // german
"pt" // portuguese
"es" // spanish
"el" // greek
"no" // norwegian
"sv" // swedish
"cs" // czech
"sl" // slovenian
"bs" // bosnian
"hr" // croatian
"ru" // russian
StorageUnit Object properties
// Level in centimeters
// Flow in m3/s
Enumeration of supported storage units represented as a string.
Allowed values are cm
for level and m3s
for flow.
CalibrationUnit Object properties
// Level units
// Flow units
Enumeration of supported calibration units represented as a string.
Allowed values are cm
, m
, ft
for levels and m3s
, cfs
, lts
for flows.
TimestampedValue Object Properties
"ts": 1524043740,
"v": 12.2
Property | Type | Description |
ts | int | Unix epoch. Seconds since Jan 01 1970 (UTC) |
v | float | value |
DateString Object properties
// December 15, 2015
Date represented as a string formatted as yyyyMMdd
TimeString Object properties
// 6:23pm
// 2:15am
// noon
// midnight
Time-of-day represented as a string formatted as HH24:mm
ErrorResponse Object properties
"errorCode": 3000,
"errorMessage": "Too many requests in a short amount of time. Slow down"
Property | Type | Description |
errorCode | int | One of the error codes listed here |
errorMessage | String | A human-readable message providing additional details about the error |
Revision History
Date (Y/M/D) | Description |
2020/04/19 | Added the Getting Started and Test with Postman Chapters. Added notice about User Notes API not being available (yet) Added links and references to Rivermap |
2020/01/07 | Updated and extended URL parameters used by the List Stations endpoint |
2019/12/24 | Updated documentation about User Notes and River Sections (replaced PoiId object with simple UUID string) |
2019/03/25 | Documented Source endpoint |
2019/03/25 | Added License Terms section |
2018/08/28 | First draft revision |